Name :- Pritam saha
Distric :- Longtharai veally,Dhalai,Tripura
P.O :- Chawamanu
Pin :- 799273
Date of birth :- 11/3/2009
Phone no. :- 8731******

My name is Pritam Saha last 1/1/2020 from Chawmanu 'Dhayanaram KP High School' T.C. I was admitted in 'Sixth standard' in 'Fatikroy 12th standard school'. Currently I am studying in 10th standard. The environment of the school is very nice. All the teachers in the school love me very much. I participate in all school events, I have a very good relationship with every student in the class, I respect my parents and I respect elders a lot, I love to help the poor and needy