Hi, Myself Sanchita Banik ,and I'm from Class-12. The website now you are looking yet is made by me . And Im so happy because of you found my website . And I hope you will enjoy it . Now I say something about music because, I love singing. So, music is an excellent company in our leisure time as it wipes away the feeling of boredom. Music is proven to have re-energizing and rejuvenating abilities for us. Music has not only been used to discard boredom, but many have also made it their proffesion. Ample job opportunities are available in the music industry,starting from singing to creating music with the skill of playing many instrumants.And one of the most important tools for conveying feelings in music. As listeners enjoy,any form of music that we enjoy and we can improve the quality of life. India has different types of music, which generally includes the folk,modern and classical type of music. And one another thing, Music helps us in our peace of mind.Whether you are sad or happy,music is the key of everything.